3D Seminar
Together with the Department of Development Economics at the University of Göttingen, DENeB is providing a new format for policy and practice exchange – the Digital Development Dialogue (3D) seminar series. The aim of the 3D seminar series is to bring together two speakers – one researcher and one policymaker/practitioner – to discuss related topics. The seminar series allows scholars, policymakers and students to participate in evidence-based and policy-relevant discussions. The seminars are held on Zoom. If you wish to participate, please subscribe to the seminar via the 3D website. Once signed up, you will receive the Zoom link and all instructions to participate. Additionally, DENeB will send reminders in advance to each 3D seminar via the DENeB activities newsletter.
Schedule of speakers
Time: Thursday, 15:00 - 15:45
Location: Zoom (virtual seminar)
The complete archive of the 3D Seminar Series can be found here.